Dear Beautiful Angels,
What a month it’s been! October felt both endless and painful—from the Iranian attack to all the holiday’s and every memorial day, each with its own unique challenges. I thought I had experienced it all, yet still on the morning of Simchat Torah, I woke up at 7:15, shouting out in my sleep, feeling disoriented until I realized that on October 7th, 2023, I had woken up at 7:15 too. Even when we aren’t conscious, our bodies hold onto trauma. This is exactly why we incorporate energy, sound, and breathwork healers on our base days, alongside the more traditional treatments.
Amid the difficulties, we also celebrated some remarkable moments, like Chayal's Angels' first birthday. It felt like a strange yet significant milestone, a reminder that out of darkness something profoundly light-filled emerged. Our mission becomes more important with every passing day. We can’t choose when trauma strikes, but we can choose how we respond—and we’re committed to ensuring our soldiers have every tool they need to help heal.
This past month, thousands of soldiers cycled in and out of combat zones in Lebanon. Multiple base requests come in daily, each one an urgent call for support. We are operating at full capacity, and in October alone, we delivered 731 treatments to our soldiers. The days are long and rewarding and every shekel is spent as quickly as it comes in. But this mission—helping our soldiers heal their mind, body, and soul—remains our reason to keep going each day.
Until next month,
Much Love and Gratitude,
Tasha Cohen,
Founder & CEO of Chayal's Angels
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