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July 2024 Newsletter


Dear Beautiful Angels. 

The past month has been even crazier than the one before that for all of us. 

Since June 5th, we have been back working at bases, and managed to give out over 300 individual treatments during 6 base days. I had initially thought that we were going to be so incredibly busy straight away, but as we all know, it was all in G-ds plan. 

The truth is, I hit more complications than I was expecting in order to get our new fundraising plans out, so as always in hindsight I could see why we were not booked every single day.. 

However, instead of focusing on the stress it caused (of which it was A LOT), I am thrilled to say as of 10 days ago WE FINALLY GOT our non profit bank account here in israel. To be honest it was the hardest official thing I have accomplished in the 12 years I have lived here. I did not foresee it, but wow the amount of bureaucratic paperwork that needs to be done to get a non profit bank account is wild! 

I thought that was it, we were ready to rock and roll. I quickly found out there was MORE and we still have a way to go to be able to take tax free donations. 

Since then we have hired an accounting company to help get all the necessary things into place (there is a whole bunch of forms they need to sort for us regarding the israeli tax authorities), as well as changing lawyers (a sad but necessary change) and are organizing our first board meeting to get the last legal documents we need. 

I have spent a huge amount of time in the last month making sure I understand what is needed - I truly am learning on the job, having never run a nonprofit before. Please -d soon we will have completed this insanity and will be up and running for tax free yearly, monthly and one time donations. As I'm sure you can imagine, the funds have dried up and the influx isn't coming making this period very difficult but we keep the faith!

The last few weeks have felt like a real fight to get up and get going every day. We had the beautiful news of 4 of our hostages coming home, however we have also since learnt of even more awful things they have gone through and now, as a Jewish nation, we have to try to hold them together. We are still missing so many of our loved ones over in Gaza, and the pain is almost too much to take. The servicemen that we have lost, have hit us hard too. And then we move on to the insanity of what is happening outside of Israel. I wont speak much on this, as i'm not the one living through it, but I want you all to know, we see you, we support you and we love you! 

I am forever grateful to be leading Chayals Angels, and even more so to the volunteers that keep me going daily. I must shout out Talia and Lauren, these two ladies have been doing all they can to make sure the funds come in, take all they can off my plate and keep me sane, all whilst holding down jobs too! Ladies, without you I'd be in a puddle! The hands on volunteers too, not only do they keep showing up time and time again for our soldiers, they encourage me, let me vent when I'm stressed, and send me the most uplifting messages letting me know that each of us is so important here. Truly I couldn't ask for better people to be surrounded with right now. 

Speaking of volunteers - I know a few of you have reached out to me to discuss the future months, and all I can say right now is, if it is right for you to come to israel and help us, then please do. We all count so much here!

As we are gearing up for an official all out war with Hezbollah, the feeling in Israel has become a little more serious, with people preparing their homes and shelters now more than ever. The truth is I'm not that scared. I feel like we have been patiently waiting for the Go Go Go for 9 months, and now's not the time to cower. As I keep insisting to the soldiers, as long as we have volunteers and money coming in, we'll still be there. 

Speaking of our soldiers, I can tell you that as the weeks go by I see even more gratitude from them than ever. A lot of them are emotionally broken, and also just focused because we all know we have a long way to go. But when we get a chance to sit down with them to talk, the love and connection is so strong. It truly is a privilege to chat with them. We share stories of how we got here, what lifes thrown at us along the way and hug, love and dance together at the end. It really is the most authentic reaction we could see. 

I know the world feels scarier than ever, I know it feels like we are living in the 1940's all over again but something that I keep reminding myself is that we truly do have G-d on our side. 

As we saw with Iran’s big scary night of sending 500 missiles our way, G-d literally put his hand in front of us and said NOPE, so stay strong and know we will get through this, somehow, someway. 

Tasha Cohen,

Founder & CEO of Chayal's Angels


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