Dear Angels,
I apologize for the delay in sending our usual monthly newsletter. The beginning of October, especially with the Iranian attack on Israel, has been an incredibly intense time for us.
The past two weeks have been especially challenging, with Rosh Hashanah, the anniversary of October 7th, Yom Kippur, and the ongoing terror attacks across Israel. Thousands of reservists were recalled to defend our country, and we’ve been doing everything we can to support them. Now that many of them have return to defend our country, we’ve been booking base days non-stop and are fully booked for the rest of the month.
While we’ve grown accustomed to the unpredictable nature of working in wartime, these past weeks have been even more challenging, but we are as determined as ever to provide as much support as possible to our soldiers.
Along with our regular projects, we are also focused on ensuring that soldiers have what they need in the months ahead. We’ve added thermal tops and gloves to our Amazon list, and we encourage you to send or bring these much-needed items to Israel. Our amazon list can be found here.
And lastly (for now), we know many of you are wondering how things are up north. The atmosphere is similar to last October, with soldiers (thankfully in much better conditions than those first few horrific weeks), tanks, military vehicles, and road blockages everywhere.
There’s a strong sense of responsibility and seriousness. However, we are seeing that the soldiers are even more grateful for our presence and the work of our practitioners than ever before. Knowing we’re there for them, no matter what, continues to lift their spirits, fueled by your love and support.
Until next month,
Tasha Cohen,
Founder & CEO of Chayal's Angels
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